# Cyberduck

Cyberduck is a cross-platform cloud storage browser which enable you accessing your files in the cloud in various protocols. You can learn mre about the program and download from the developer's website (opens new window).

# Enabling 'ByteArk Storage' Profile

For better compatibility, you may enable the 'ByteArk Storage' profile in Cyberduck by accessing menu 'Edit' > 'Preferences'. Under page 'Profiles' check 'ByteArk Storage' in the list.

Cyberduck Profiles

# How to connect to ByteArk Storage


The connection requires an Access key, which can be generated by someone with space management rights.

How to create and manage Access keys →

# Making a connection to ByteArk Storage

When opening a new connection, select 'ByteArk Storage (st-th-1)'. Or if you're using our archive storage product, select 'ByteArk Storage (st-th-archive)'. Then fill out Access Key & Secret Key you got from storage console then click 'connect'

Cyberduck open connection