# View a Video Information

You will see a list of videos after choosing a project from the homepage screen.

You can view an information of videos by clicking at them. This information page is separated into a menu sidebar on the left, and a current page details on the right.

Video Information Page

Menu Name Description
Information Go to a video information page.
Geo-Blocking Go to a geo-blocking rule of this video page.
Video / Audio Go to a summary processing information page.
Exported Files Go to an export page to export an original file of this video. You are required to contact ByteArk in order to use this service.
Subtitles Go to a subtitle page to upload and manage subtitles of this video.
Custom Images Go to a custom images page to upload and manage custom images of this video.
Bumper Go to a bumper page to manage ads insertion in this video.
Advanced Go to a detailed processing information page.

# Video Information

We are introducing from top to bottom of the page:

# Top Area

Top Area UI

Number Description
1 Displays a name of this video.
2 Displays a name of a project which this video was uploaded to.
3 Displays a processing status.

This video is still being uploaded.

Checking uploaded file:
This video is being checked by a system.

Processing uploaded file:
This video is being transcoded.

Ready to watch:
This video is ready for at least 1 resolution.

This video is ready for all resolutions.

There's a problem with an uploaded file:
This video file is invalid, please re-check the file.
4 Displays a type of this video.
5 Displays a duration of this video in HH:MM:SS format (24hr format).
6 Displays a current geo-blocking rule of this video.
7 A button to add this video to collections.
8 A button to re-upload a video without losing any information you entered for this video.
9 A button to show other menus, such as a delete video menu.

# Center Area

For editing this video's name, excerpt, tags, cover image, and additional information (if any). Learn more about editing a video

# Embedded

HTML code to embed

You can copy the ready-to-watch iframe code, and paste it on your website without installing any video player.

Video player URL

You can also copy the player URL without embedding inside the iframe.


You can customize the video player. After customizing, the video player embedded in the URLs above will be changed, too.

# Source Video URLs (HLS or MP4)

In case you are developing your own video player, you can copy these links to be input sources for your own player.

# Geo-blocking

In Geo-Blocking menu, you can select a geo-blocking rule of this video. Video will apply the project's default Geo-blocking rule. If you want to override the rule, you can edit it here by clicking Edit. You can choose 3 different types of Geo-blocking rules.

By default, a geo-blocking rule of videos will be set using the default project settings. You can override the setting for this video by clicking Edit and select one of three following options:

  • All countries are allowed: Select this option if you want your video to be available worldwide.
  • Apply an existed Geo-blocking rule: Select this option if you want to use an existing geo-blocking rule. (Learn more how to manage geo-blocking rules.)
  • Only specific countries are allowed: Select this option if you want to specify countries that can or cannot access your video.

# Advanced

In Advanced menu, you can view a more detailed information of this video, including an original file information and transcoding logs.

# Description

Display the date and time of created, uploaded, and completed processing the video.

# Original File Information

Display the video's duration, size, resolution, framerate, codec, and audio's codec.

# Detailed Information

For a developer who wants technical processing information.

# Video Log

In case your video failed to process, you can see what happened here.

# Video Processing

Display a transcoding status of each resolution:

  • Processing: The video is being processed on the current resolution.
  • Completed: The video is ready for the current resolution.
  • Skipped: The video is not processed on the current resolution due to the preset settings, or you might not set the system to transcode the video on this resolution.

Learn more how to set a default preset of your project.